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Orsanmichele Church in the heart of Florence

Orsanmichele exterior view orsanmichele nave Orsanmichele view of the sculpture exhibition Orsanmichele sculpture exhibition


  • You already have your tickets for Florence in your pocket at home: this is city travelling the smart way
  • Your ticket for the Orsanmichele Church is already included in your Florence City Pass
  • You don't need to book in advance for this attraction - your City Pass is your admission ticket   
  • Historic Loggia: Formerly a grain market, later converted into a church.
  • Renaissance art: Masterpieces such as Donatello's "San Marco" on the first floor.
  • View: Breathtaking view of Florence from the second floor.
  • Works of art: Orcagna's tabernacle and 14th century frescoes on the ground floor.   

Orsanmichele: A historical and artistic masterpiece in Florence

What awaits you on site


The church of Orsanmichele is located in the heart of Florence, between Piazza della Signoria and the cathedral. Originally built in the 13th century as a loggia for the grain market, it was built over the historic oratory of San Michele in Orto. Over the centuries, the generosity of the Florentine guilds transformed it into a magnificent church, which was decorated with outstanding sculptures and paintings between the 14th and 16th centuries.

On site, you can admire the impressive tabernacle by Andrea Orcagna, a masterpiece of the 14th century. The church also offers access to two other levels: On the first floor, the original statues of saints from the guilds are on display, including famous works by Donatello and Verrocchio. The second floor offers a breathtaking view over the rooftops of Florence and displays small stone sculptures that once adorned the exterior façade.

Orsanmichele combines historical and religious functions and offers a unique opportunity to explore the evolution of art from Gothic to Renaissance. 

Where to go?

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Chiesa e Museo di Orsanmichele Via dell'Arte della Lana, 50123 Florence  

Good to know

  • Opening hours
    Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday: from 8.15 am to 6.50 pm
    Sunday: from 8.15 am to 1.50 pm
    Closed on Tuesday 
  • Accessibility: The church is not wheelchair accessible.  

Experience the beautiful Orsanmichele church with the >> Florence City Pass


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